Lecture notes, Slides, etc.

  1. Lubuma, J.M.-S. 1995. Analyse numérique élémentaire, Lecture Notes, University of Kinshasa, Kinshasa, 209 pages.
  2. Lubuma, J.M.-S. 2002-2011. Differential equations WTW 286, Study guide and successive revised editions, University of Pretoria.
  3. Lubuma, J.M-S. 2014-2020. Mathematical methods and models WTW 772, Study guide and successive revised editions, University of Pretoria
  4. Lubuma, J.M-S. 2020-2021. Mathematical methods and models WTW 772: Study material for online teaching including lecture notes, projects, videos, etc., University of Pretoria.
  5. Lubuma .J.M-S. 2022, 2023, 2024. Studies in Applied Mathematics APPM 406A: Study material for face to face and online teaching including slides, lecture notes, projects, videos, etc, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.

Development / Organisation of  Postgraduate Study

  1. Lubuma, J,M-S. 1999. Postgraduate study (Honours, Master’s and PhD) in Mathematics at Vista University. (The Programme was approved by the Department of Higher Education in July 2000)
  2. Lubuma, J.M.-S. 2001. PhD in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at the University of Pretoria for the SADC region. (The application was approved by the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in 2001).
  3. Lubuma, J.M.-S. 2007. Pilot Master’s and PhD Programme in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at the University of Pretoria. (The application was approved by top management of the University of Pretoria in 2007).


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