Lecture notes, Slides, etc.
- Lubuma, J.M.-S. 1995. Analyse numérique élémentaire, Lecture Notes, University of Kinshasa, Kinshasa, 209 pages.
- Lubuma, J.M.-S. 2002-2011. Differential equations WTW 286, Study guide and successive revised editions, University of Pretoria.
- Lubuma, J.M-S. 2014-2020. Mathematical methods and models WTW 772, Study guide and successive revised editions, University of Pretoria
- Lubuma, J.M-S. 2020-2021. Mathematical methods and models WTW 772: Study material for online teaching including lecture notes, projects, videos, etc., University of Pretoria.
- Lubuma .J.M-S. 2022, 2023, 2024. Studies in Applied Mathematics APPM 406A: Study material for face to face and online teaching including slides, lecture notes, projects, videos, etc, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.
Development / Organisation of Postgraduate Study
- Lubuma, J,M-S. 1999. Postgraduate study (Honours, Master’s and PhD) in Mathematics at Vista University. (The Programme was approved by the Department of Higher Education in July 2000)
- Lubuma, J.M.-S. 2001. PhD in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at the University of Pretoria for the SADC region. (The application was approved by the International Centre for Theoretical Physics in 2001).
- Lubuma, J.M.-S. 2007. Pilot Master’s and PhD Programme in Mathematics and Applied Mathematics at the University of Pretoria. (The application was approved by top management of the University of Pretoria in 2007).