Postgraduate Courses

Courses presentedLevelSelf Developed
Numerical analysis of boundary value problems with singularities (University of Annaba, Algeria)Master'sYes
Linear integral equation and boundary element method (University of Annaba, Algeria)HonoursYes
Finite element method (University of Annaba, Algeria and University of Pretoria, South Africa)HonoursYes
Numerical Analysis (University of Kinshasa, RD Congo)HonoursYes
Modeling and Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences (University of Kinshasa, RD Congo)Master'sYes
Mathematical Epidemiology (University of Kinshasa, RD Congo)Master'sYes
Sobolev spaces (University of Kinshasa, RD Congo and University of Pretoria, South Africa)Master'sYes
WTW 710 Functional Analysis (University of Pretoria, South Africa)HonoursYes
MA 606 Distributions, Sobolev Spaces and Finite Element Method (African University of Science and Technology, Nigeria)Master'sYes
Numerical solutions of partial differential equations (University of Cape Town, South Africa)HonoursYes
WTW 772 Mathematical methods and models (University of Pretoria, South Africa)HonoursYes
APPM406A Studies in Applied Mathematics (University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa)HonoursYes

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